Agenda item

Education and Early Years Safeguarding Update

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


Members received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services relative to the work which the Education and Early Years Services had undertaken in terms of safeguarding, to improve the safety and welfare of City-resident children being educated in the City of London and other Boroughs, as well as non-resident children attending schools within the City.


School attendance for at-risk young people (YP) is monitored on a monthly basis, working with a 90% threshold. Both children in school and children educated at home (3) are monitored. There was no correlation noted between the age until which a child is kept at home and the environment at school/home.


Members expressed concern over a child being named in the report, which is public. The Director advised that the case was highly publicised and the child’s name had already been made public.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

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