Report of the Director of Open Spaces.
Members considered and approved a Gateway 2 report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath concerning the Queen’s Park Sandpit Refurbishment and Public Toilet Rebuild.
Members were advised that this project had gone to the Projects Sub Committee on 20 February 2019 and was approved to go to the next gateway. The minute from this meeting was included in the agenda pack under the Superintendent’s update.
For context, Members were advised that due to the significant capital expense from a number of key large projects currently coming through the Corporation, all projects that were not yet at Gateway 5 would be reviewed under new criteria as part of a fundamental review of revenue and projects.
A Member queried whether funds were available in the Director’s budget for this project. The Director of Open Spaces advised that the revenue budget was also in shortfall, but there was no flexibility to cover this as it was a capital project and therefore needed to go through the correct process.
In response to a query regarding the possibility for commercial infrastructure levy, Members were advised that Brent Council had been approached regarding possible funding for this project; however, this funding required additional demands and costs which would significantly raise the specification of the project,
RESOLVED - That the project progress to Gateway 3/4 - Options Appraisal on the Regular route at a cost of £14,000.
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