Agenda item

Appendix 6 - Hampstead Heath Croquet Club - Croquet Development Plan


Members considered a proposal to progress the Croquet Development Plan project initiative through developing a Capital Projects Gateway 1 & 2 report and the following comments were made:


·         The Superintendent advised that a joint request had been received from the Parliament Hill Bowls Club and Hampstead Heath Croquet Club to extend the lease, which was due to expire in April, for the Parliament Hill Bowls Lawn for a further ten years.


  • The proposal consolidates the Croquet offer at Parliament Hill Fields and would involve licencing the green including the Pavilion and charge the Croquet Club for use of the building. The Corporation would have access during winter months and would be able to charge other groups for its use.


  • The Superintendent sought Member’s views on progressing this initiative by developing a Capital Projects Gateway 1 & 2 report, recognising the project would need to be fully funded by Hampstead Heath Croquet Club.


  • In response to a query regarding costs, Members were advised that it would cost £50k but it would be for the Croquet Club to raise this money.


  • The Chairman raised concerns regarding the small size of the Croquet Club (22 members) and felt that the Committee should prioritise a number of other more important projects that it would be taking through the Projects Sub process.


  • A Member queried why this project needed to come through the projects Sub process if it was not being funded by Corporation money. The Superintendent confirmed that a licensing arrangement could be agreed, but the second lawn would have to come through the process as it would be a Corporation asset.


  • The Heath & Hampstead Society were not against this project as it did not involve more built space on the Heath.


  • Members agreed this project was not a priority and although it would not be funded by the Corporation, it would require significant Officer time. The Committee recommended that the Croquet Club to come back when the money to fund the project had been raised.


  • The Superintendent advised that the Croquet Club had been asked to start recording participation.



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