Agenda item

Management Framework

Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath.


Members considered and approved a report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath concerning the Management Framework.


Members were advised that the Hampstead Heath Management Strategy 2018-2028, the Divisional Plan 2019-2022 and the Annual Work Programme 2019-2020 for Hampstead Heath had been updated to align with the Outcomes and Priorities

forming the Management Framework and contribute towards the realisation of the Heath Vision in the long term.


Members agreed the document was comprehensive and clear. It was noted that a summary for deadlines would be helpful. The Superintendent advised that everything would be captured in the Annual Report in June.


The Chairman thanked Members and Officers for their hard work in developing the Management Framework.




·         Members approve the print version of the Hampstead Heath Management Strategy 2018-2028 (Appendix 1);


·         Members approve the draft Divisional Plan 2019-2022 (Appendix 2);


·         Members approve the draft Annual Work Programme 2019-2020 (Appendix 3).

Supporting documents: