Members considered the Integrity Dashboard for Quarter 3 (October 2018-December 2018) and the following points were made.
Civil Cases that cite the Force
· The Chairman welcomed the figures outlined within the dashboard, noting that only the number of Civil cases which cited the Force (11 as at Q3) demonstrated a trend that risked matching or exceeding cases recorded in previous years.
· The Commissioner noted that a revised dashboard had been developed and would be circulated to Members for comment outside of the meeting.
Number of Professional Standards Directorate investigations principally arising from complaints on use of force
· In response to a question, the Commissioner noted that the drop-off in investigations was due to the implementation of learning and development solutions for the identified issue (i.e. six cases in 2016/17).
Number of business interest investigations undertaken for police officers
· In response to a question, the Commissioner replied that an improved system for reporting business interests had reduced the number of instances where a business interest investigation was necessary.
· The Chairman reminded Members that the Sub-Committee had the ability to ‘deep dive’ on any Professional Standards and Integrity issue it chose to.
RESOLVED, that the Integrity Dashboard be received.
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