Agenda item

Priorities Investment Pot (PIP) - Bids for Consideration

Joint report of the Town Clerk and the Chamberlain.


The Sub-Committee considered a joint report of the Town Clerk and Chamberlain setting out recommended bids to the Priorities Investment Pot (PIP). It was noted that this would be the last PIP report, as the Pot was not being renewed for the coming year.


RESOLVED: That approval be given to the following bids:

·                Markets & Consumer Protection – Responsible Business Strategy – Air Quality £110,000  

·                Town Clerk’s - Artwork Acquisition (income protection/generation) – £14,000

·                Guildhall School – Online Digital Instrumental Teaching - £195,000

·                Community and Children Services -

1.)    Dragon Café (Mental Health Group) – £80,000

2.)    Social Worker and Systemic Practitioner – £15,000

3.)    Education Services Company – £55,000

4.)    Pilot Summer School Enrichment Programme - Social Mobility – £100,000


Supporting documents: