Agenda item

Community Centres Policy

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.



Members considered a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services Director in respect of the Community Centres Policy.


The policy had been drawn up as a matter of priority to address operational matters following an audit recommendation. Consequent to approval, a Community Centres Strategy would be drafted in line with this policy and Corporate aims. Residents would be invited to consultation on the strategy and final approval would be sought from Committee in July 2019. Members asked that the strategy include detailed KPIs and be reported on alongside a more detailed financial model.


At present, no Community Centre generated surplus and therefore all were subsidised by the HRA. On the event that a surplus was generated, the service charge could be amended accordingly. Due to HRA subsidies, if a Centre made a loss any costs that needed to be recovered from leaseholders would be negligible.


With regard to restrictions of hire, a Member asked for assurance that non-resident and commercial lettings would not result in disturbances, such as excess noise, for residents. This issue was covered by the terms and conditions of the hire which apply to any booking. Any breach of these terms and conditions would result in the user being prevented from re-booking the premises. All lettings were dealt with by the respective Estate Managers, all of whom are acutely aware of the sensitivities of local residents.


A further audit recommendation was that the Estates’ finances should be reported to and monitored at committee level, a process which would be introduced in due course.


RESOLVED, that the Community Centres Policy for use by the Housing Service, be approved.

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