Agenda item


To agree the public minutes of the meeting held on 26 February 2019.


RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 26 February 2019 be agreed as a correct record.


Matters Arising


Car Free Day


The Director of the Built Environment gave the Sub-Committee an update on discussions regarding a Car Free Day on 22 September 2019 and tabled a map of two potential car-free areas, the Bank area and Guildhall, and the City Cluster area, along with a TfL proposal, which would include the closing of London Bridge and Tower Bridge. The Director of the Built Environment added that TfL’s proposal was challenging and would have significant implications for traffic.


Members were asked for their feedback on the proposals and were generally supportive. The areas highlighted for proposed Car Free Areas were sensible and were a good opportunity to incorporate the Tower of London and Riverside Walkway, and take advantage of Open House Weekend, which would fall on the same weekend. A Member suggested that a buffer zone may be required to prevent excessive traffic on Mansell Street, which was a residential area, and Commercial Street. Officers were also asked to consider the area around St. Paul’s Cathedral and Postman’s Park.


In response to a query from a Member, the Director of the Built Environment advised that both the areas proposed could be taken forward, rather than being one or the other, and officers were happy to explore expanding the zones. A decision had not been taken on the status of taxis and buses, although TfL had suggested allowing buses to use Bishopsgate and the bridges. The Sub-Committee was advised that all effort would be made to minimise disruption to sensitive areas. Officers would explore expanding the car free zone westward, but it may create difficulties if the car free zone included St. Bart’s Hospital.


Members were supportive in principle and asked for the proposals to be brought back with more detail.


3D Zebra Crossings


Following a question asked by a Member at the previous meeting, the Director of the Built Environment tabled a briefing note for the Sub-Committee on 3D zebra crossings. Westminster City Council had installed a 3D zebra crossing on St. John’s Wood High Street, but this was the first of its kind. Officers’ position was that this was an untested road marking, with effects as yet unknown, and that it was not currently a compliant road marking. As such it was not considered appropriate to install any until they had been tested and were considered compliant.


A Member asked whether any alternatives, such as strip lighting, had been considered for Ludgate Circus, as an innovative approach may be needed. A Member added that surface treatment was expected for the junction. The Chairman reminded Members that TfL were expected at the 24 May meeting of the Planning & Transportation Committee with proposals for the junction. The Director of the Built Environment added that any changes would ultimately require TfL approval but officers continued to engage, and the City of London Corporation continued to have a part to play in facilitating change.


A Member advised that the coloured crossings around the Barbican had attracted some complaints as they caused difficulty for the visually impaired. The Director of the Built Environment responded that officers had been made aware of this and were monitoring the situation before bringing back information to Members.

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