Agenda item

Outstanding References

Report of the Town Clerk


The Sub-Committee received a list of outstanding references.


Swan Lane & Trigg Lane


The City Surveyor advised that the project was still on programme. The part of the project relating to Swan Lane was complete, and Trigg Lane was due for completion at the end of May.


22 Bishopsgate


The Sub-Committee was advised that 22 Bishopsgate would be discussed during Part 2 of the agenda.


Dockless Bikes


The Director of the Built Environment advised the Sub-Committee that the Planning & Transportation Committee had approved the trial of a new approach to managing dockless cycle hire. Invitations had gone out to operators inviting them to take part in the trial and it was aimed to launch the trial in May. Each operator would be permitted an equal number of bikes to be deployed, with a minimum and maximum in total and at each parking area. It was expected that many regular users would sign up to multiple operators.


The Sub-Committee was advised that SEOs had been more proactive in reporting bikes left in inappropriate places to operators. Operators currently had 90 minutes to remove offending bikes, and the charge for recovering bikes not removed had been increased to £235. Operators not participating in the trial would be asked to remove their bikes straightaway, and one of the criteria for participating in the trial was that it be made clear on the bikes themselves how to report them to their operators. These details would also be included on the website.


Beech Street


The Sub-Committee was advised that TfL had confirmed progress on the Eastbound closure, with discussions ongoing on the potential two-way closure. A report would be brought to the Sub-Committee for a decision on the closures. Meetings with Islington were ongoing at Member and officer level. The Director of the Built Environment confirmed that the Beech Street project was not affected by the Fundamental Capital Funding review on the basis of its significance with regard to the corporate risk relating to Air Quality. The options report to be brought to the Sub-Committee would include an option to retain access for buses.

Blackfriars Bridge Underpass


The Director of the Built Environment confirmed that all work on the underpass had now been completed and the outstanding reference could be closed. A Member thanked officers for their work on the junction, which was significantly improved, but stressed that regular monitoring would be required to keep the underpass clean.

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