Agenda item

Outstanding References

Joint Report of the Commissioner and Town Clerk.


Members considered a joint report of the Commissioner and Town Clerk regarding outstanding references since the last meeting and the following points were made.


3/2018/P – Annual Review of Fees and Charges


·         The Commissioner noted that the deadline for delivery of this item of work would take place in Autumn 2019 given that, in consultation with the Treasurer, the Commissioner had agreed to undertake a more strategic review of the Force’s Charging Model.


15/2018/P – Barbican CCTV


·         In response to a comment from the Commissioner that the delivery of this reference had been affected by the delay in opening of Crossrail, Members agreed that the deadline for the reference should be within six months of the rescheduled opening date for Crossrail.


RESOLVED, that the report be received.

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