Agenda item

Quarterly Community Engagement Update

Report of the Commissioner.


Members considered a quarterly update report of the Commissioner regarding Community Engagement and the following points were made.


·         The Commander (Operations) noted that Community Engagement reports would feature mental health statistics and spend going forward.


·         In response to a question, the Commander (Operations) replied that Operation Luscombe would form part of the Force’s ‘business-as-usual’ operations. She added that the statistics provided with future reporting would make the distinction between rough sleepers and beggars, and avoid using the term(s) vagrant and vagrancy.


·         In response to a question, the Commander (Operations) replied that the Force’s Cycle Team was undergoing a refresh, and agreed that a focus on improving both cyclist and pedestrian behaviours and awareness could feature in that refresh of activities.


·         In response to a request, the Commander (Operations) agreed that future reporting could make a distinction between the types of vehicle involved in cycling incidents. She confirmed that traffic lights had the force of law for cycle users.


·         In response to a comment, the Commander (Operations) agreed to confirm the cost of rolling out the Mental Health Street Triage (MHST) approach 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


RESOLVED, that the report be received.

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