Agenda item

Any other business that the Chairman considers urgent.


The Chairman presented a proposed resolution regarding the City of London Corporation’s new Sports Engagement Strategy to be sent to the Policy & Resources Committee. The Chairman explained that the resolution had been supported by the Epping Forest and Commons Committee on the 11th of March 2019, formally endorsed by the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen's Park Committee on the 13th of March and the Open Spaces & City Gardens Committee on the 8th of April. The Chairman suggested that the Committee send a resolution on this matter to Policy & Resources Committee the which would be followed by resolutions of other relevant Committees. A Member commented that particular importance should be placed on people within the sports strategy. Members supported the proposed resolution Policy & Resources Committee noting the importance of open spaces to the Sports Strategy.



RESOLVED- That a resolution be made from the West Ham Park Committee to the Policy & Resources Committee requesting involvement in the decision-making process regarding sports engagement in conjunction with other relevant Committees, as follows:


Noting the creation of a new Sports Engagement Strategy, we are aware that the PRED sub-committee have resolved to recruit a full time Sports Engagement Officer. We, as the Chairmen of interested committees, would like to have a part in the decision-making process regarding the growth and implementation of the strategy, prioritisation of effort, and where funds are allocated. We feel that the committees that are responsible for sport (in its widest sense) should be involved in the overall process and have an involvement in the decision-making on the strategy.


We believe there are five pillars to the City’s engagement with sport to be considered:

1.    Open spaces, involving the community and local sports clubs

2.    Education with the City of London Schools (independent schools and the academy chain), which often provide facilities for the local community

3.    Promoting health and wellbeing across the boroughs and London-wide through facilities at our open spaces and through our Community & Children’s services

4.    National and regional sports events promotion

5.    Soft benefits of Sports Business Networking where the business community are engaged (in particular sponsorships)


Our open spaces have worked extensively in sports partnerships with groups such as the Sports Lottery Fund, FA, The Football Foundation and the LTA, and would like to see the strategy encompass building on and strengthening these partnerships also.”