Agenda item

Tree Pests and Diseases: Oak Processionary Moth urgent update

Report of the Director of Open Spaces.


Members noted a report of the Director of Open Spaces regarding tree pests and diseases providing an urgent update on Oak Processionary Moth (OPM). The following comments were made:


·         The Director of Open Spaces stated that the report went to Open Spaces & City Gardens in December to approve the submission of a bid for additional resources to the Resource Allocation Sub Committee for future financial years from 2019/20, highlighting OPM as a new and significant resource demand in the medium-term financial planning process which was approved.


·         The report has gone as an update to all Open Spaces Committees as the spread of OPM now reaches all of the Corporation’s Open Spaces and is recorded in all 32 London Boroughsand the City of London.


·         Members were advised that the disease was a significant public health risk and the focus for controlling the pest was to protect public car parks, children’s parks, paths and sports areas where members of the public were most at risk. An education programme is also in development to educate the public on OPM and what to do should they encounter it.


·         Members were advised thatHampstead Heath was the longest affected space with OPM first identified in 2015. Based on the experience at Hampstead Heath, it was predicted that the number of nests in the other Open Spaces (includingHighgate Wood) was likely to increase dramatically in 2019 but would hopefully plateau in the coming years.  


·         Treatment includes zoning targeted high-risk areas, the spraying of trees and nest removal, along with significant forest research in conjunction with the Forestry Commission.


·         The Corporation continues to work closely with the Forestry Commission and Hampstead Heath will be used as a pilot site to tackle OPM. This pilot scheme would assist with the development of a national programme of best practice to control OPM.


·         The Highgate Wood, Conservation & Trees Manager drew Member’s attention to a diagram that reflected the current OPM nests in the Wood noting that currently ¼ of all moth species at Highgate associated with oak trees and would also be destroyed during tree spraying. Members were advised that the plan was to only spray the oak trees around the Children’s Play Area with nest removal taking place in lower risk areas.


·         In response to a query regarding schools, Members were advised that all Forest Schools had been educated on the risks from OPM.


·         With regards to biological natural controls, a parasitic fly that feeds on the caterpillars has begun colonising in the UK since OPM has developed which would hopefully have an impact on the number of nests. It was also noted that birds had tried feeding on the caterpillars, but they were unpalatable.


·         Members were advised that electronic versions of leaflets and information regarding OPM was available on the Forestry Commission’s website and could be printed off. The Director of Open Spaces was also happy for the contents of his report to be circulated and agreed to keep the Group updated on OPM matters over the season.




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