Agenda item


Report of the Town Clerk.


The Committee noted the various outstanding actions and the updates provided thereon.


With regards to Action 1, the Director of Open Spaces advised that the Open Spaces Department was working closely with the Corporation’s web team to refresh all Open Spaces web content ahead of the launch of the new City of London website in 2020/21.


A Member stated that members of the public and new Members may wish to view old versions of plans or find out about the history of the wood and would not have access to this information. It was noted that the website was not set up to be a document archive and background documents were best accessed by contacting the local office. Members were advised that brochures, leaflets, etc, were also available electronically on the website and could be printed off.


Regarding Action 2, Members were advised that the Highgate School had been approached and the Headmaster had agreed to represent the school and would hopefully attend the next meeting. The Town Clerk agreed to check that there were no implications for a school representative officially joining the group.


All other actions were completed or on the agenda.



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