Agenda item

Listed Building Management Guidelines (Adoption)

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services


Members noted that a draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for the Barbican Listed Building Management Guidelines had been issued for public consultation between May and July 2012.  In response to comments received, a number of amendments had been proposed, as set out in Appendix 2 to the report, but the comments had no policy implications.


During the discussions and questions, the following matters were raised:


  • A resident expressed general disappointment at the response to the Barbican Association’s letter (pages 5 and 6 of the report) in respect of alterations made by other departments. 


  • Whether a portion of the first part of Volume 2 should be moved into Volume 1?


  • Concern about possible knowledge gaps in some departments about Listed Buildings Guidelines.


The Chief Planning Officer’s representative advised that the Director would be made aware of the concerns about possible knowledge gaps.  Members noted that the document had been drafted to reduce the need for small, repetitive improvements but the officer acknowledged the more pertinent sections, such as exteriors.  Officers had been holding liaison meetings more frequently of late and the report had been presented to the Barbican Occupiers User Group.   The comments from the Residents’ Consultation Committee (RCC) and Barbican Residential Committee (BRC) would be incorporated into the forthcoming report to the Planning and Transportation Committee.


The officer was very grateful for residents’ awareness and contributions and the re-drafted report would be shared with the Working Party.


Cinema Development


Members had some very specific and serious concerns about the new cinema development; i.e. the removal of hoardings had left about 100 holes, some with metal plugs remaining.  The Barbican Estate Office’s Head of Technical confirmed that repairs would need to be done very carefully, especially as any metal left in could expand at different rates and cause cracks.  Members strongly sought assurance that this would not happen again, particularly as the application for the YMCA site was now live.  Members suggested that the use of angle grinders should be prohibited on the Estate and the consequences of damage should be included at the Contract stage. 


The officer assured Members that the matter would be raised at the Officer Working Group.  Members also noted that Technical Service officers had inspected the damage a few weeks ago and proposed to link the repairs with the works to the tower blocks, to ensure consistent treatment and outcomes.  In the interim, there would be some remedial repairs to fill the holes and remove metal plugs, where possible.


In concluding, Members asked the BRC to strongly note their concerns in this matter. 




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