Agenda item

Draft Safer City Partnership Strategy 2019-22

Report of the Town Clerk.


Members considered a report of the Town Clerk regarding the draft Safer City Partnership Strategy 2019-2022 and the following points were made.


·         The Town Clerk noted that any comments made by Members that day would be incorporated into the final iteration of the strategy that would be submitted to the Safer City Partnership meeting in May 2019.


·         In response to a comment, the Town Clerk agreed to include motoring offences including driving under the influence of drugs/alcohol to the list of anti-social behaviours covered by the strategy.


·         A Member noted that officers should be mindful of any potential synergies between Secure City and Safer City.


·         In response to a comment, the Town Clerk agreed to include 2018/19 data in the strategy, and to provide Members with the final iteration once it had been drafted.


RESOLVED, that the report be received.

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