Agenda item

Revenue Outturn 2011/12

Report of the Chamberlain and Director of Community & Children’s Services


Members received the comparison of the revenue outturn for the services overseen by the BRC in 2011/12, with the final agreed budget for the year. 


During discussions and questions, clarity was sought in respect of the following:


Annex A2

The increase in the IS recharge (£19k) had resulted from the charge for desktop computer maintenance.  This had previously been charged as a direct cost under the supplies and services heading; being included in the IS recharge instead. 


Annex B1

Upgrade to Safety and Security -  the majority of the costs related to eyebolt testing. There had been some failures and eyebolts had to be replaced. Also new eyebolts had been installed at Brandon Mews at a cost of £9,360.


Asbestos - the main works had been the encapsulation in electrical distribution cupboards in Speed House (£16,069.55) and asbestos works in the roof plant rooms at Ben Jonson House (£8,930).  Members noted that £6,875 had been included on this code for works to the ventilation ducts in Breton House.  In addition, asbestos inspections were being carried out in various blocks.




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