Agenda item

Smithfield Market Trading Hours during the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games

Report of the Superintendent, Smithfield Market (copy attached).


A report of the Superintendent, Smithfield Market, seeking approval for the proposed variation of trading hours at Smithfield Market during the period of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, with delegated powers being conferred upon the Town Clerk in conjunction with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Markets Committee for any further variations which may be required during the period of the Games, was considered.


In relation to Billingsgate Market it was noted that the Superintendent had delegated powers to open earlier, if required, and that it would be opening at 02.00 hours. In relation to Spitalfields Market it was noted that the market already opens at midnight and with no intention of opening earlier.


RESOLVEDThat Members approve the following: -


a)    The Smithfield Market’s trading hours be varied between the periods Sunday 22 July 2012 until Friday 14 September 2012 opening from midnight until mid-day Monday to Friday as opposed to the current 03.00 hours to mid-day Monday to Friday and;

b)    In the event that during the period, due to changing trading or traffic situations, if further variations to the trading hours are required any such decisions be delegated to the Town Clerk in conjunction with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman to approve. 

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