Agenda item

Appendix 5 - Vale of Health Play Area Concept Design


Members considered the concept designs for the Vale of Health Playground and Preachers Hill Playground. The following comments were made:


·         Members were advised that £35k in funding had been sourced to fund the project management and materials involved with the play area improvements.


·         Members were supportive of the improvements, the use of boulders and introduction of picnic areas.


·         Members were happy with the natural approach and reusing of existing play equipment rather than introducing a new, large statement piece.    


·         A Member (Mansfield Conservation Area Advisory Committee & Neighbourhood Association Committee) was supportive of the planting provided that they were not too high preventing parents from seeing their children playing.


·         The Superintendent stated that these were early concept designs and more developed designs would be circulated to Members by email for feedback.




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