Agenda item


To elect a Chairman in accordance with Standing Order 29.


The Committee proceeded to elect a Chairman in accordance with Standing Order No. 29. 


A list of Members eligible to stand was read and Deputy Alastair Moss being the only Member expressing willingness to serve was duly elected Chairman for the ensuing year and took the Chair.




Proposed by Barbara Newman;

Seconded unanimously;




THAT, at the conclusion of his term of office as their Chairman, the Members of the Planning and Transportation Committee wish to extend to


Christopher Michael Hayward


their sincere thanks and appreciation for the extremely able and competent manner in which he has presided over their deliberations and the detailed interest and commitment he has shown in all aspects of the work of the Planning and Transportation Committee.


CHRIS HAYWARD upheld the key role occupied by the Committee in ensuring that the Corporation's statutory role as a Planning Authority was efficiently and effectively carried out and, applied himself with equal vigour to the diverse transportation issues which have an impact on the world class commercial centre which comprises the Square Mile.


HE presided over meetings in a courteous manner, with leadership and vision, and demonstrated a ready grasp of planning issues.  His experience and understanding of planning and transportation matters have been a driving force behind a number of major schemes which have been implemented and others in the pipeline. The Bloomberg European Headquarters was awarded the prestigious RIBA Stirling Prize for the UK’s best new building during his chairmanship.


THE Chairman has had the courage of his convictions in presiding over often controversial and radical decisions such as the ‘Bank On Safety’ scheme, launched in May 2017 to improve the safety record at this dangerous junction. The scheme has been an overwhelming success with the Court of Common Council voting to make the changes made here permanent in September 2018. More recently he spoke in favour of the approved ‘Tulip’ application.


HIS guidance and expertise has been instrumental in championing the enhancement of the City’s public realm. He has given focus to the critical issues affecting our streets and public spaces in the decades to come. This is evidenced by his support for and assistance in shaping both the Local Plan and the City’s first ever Transportation Strategy both of which seek to co-ordinate efforts to further improve the Square Mile over the next 25 years, ensuring that it remains a competitive, safe and attractive place to live, work, learn and visit.


IN taking leave of Christopher Hayward as their Chairman, Members of this Committee wish to thank him for his service and excellent leadership in bringing the Committee's demanding agendas to decision. We wish him every possible success in the future.


FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk be authorised to make arrangements for the resolution to be presented in a manner agreeable to the past Chairman.


Mr Hayward responded to the Vote of Thanks by stating that it had been a privilege to serve as Chairman of the Committee for the past three years, through a very interesting and challenging time for the City. He thanked both Members and Officers for the ‘team effort’ in approving and delivering some momentous decisions during his term of office and concluded by stating that he was now looking forward to working closely with the new Chairman in his capacity as Deputy Chairman over the next year.