Report of the Town Clerk.
The Board had before them the Town Clerk’s report on the appointment of committees, working groups for 2019/20. After discussion it was
(a) the terms of reference of the Capital Projects Strategic Working Group be amended, to provide for that Working Group to co-opt appropriate persons, and that the chairmanship may also be taken by such a person without residential or electoral interest in the Barbican Estate;
(b) the quorum for each of the Board’s committees be set at three persons;
(c) an additional meeting of the Governance and Effectiveness Committee be convened by the Town Clerk, before the next meeting of the Board, to consider a report of the Principal on higher education governance matters and the chairmanship of the Board’s Audit and Risk Management Committee;
(d) proposed minor revisions to the terms of reference of the Remuneration and Nominations Committee, as agreed by that Committee at its 29 April 2019 meeting, be considered by the Board at its next meeting; and
(e) the following appointments be made to the Board’s committees and working groups for 2019/20:-
Audit and Risk Management Committee
Marianne Fredericks (Chairman)
Ann Holmes (until further appointment of co-opted member(s))
Finance and Resources Committee
Vivienne Littlechild (Chairman)
Graham Packham (Deputy Chairman)
Professor Geoffrey Crossick
Lew Hodges (co-opted)
Michael Hoffman
Governance & Effectiveness Committee
Professor Geoffrey Crossick
Professor Maria Delgado
Michael Hoffman
Graham Packham
Lynne Williams
Reference Sub
Vivienne Littlechild (Chairman)
Graham Packham (Deputy Chairman)
Michael Hoffman
Remuneration and Nominations Committee
Shreela Ghosh
Michael Hoffman
Andy Taylor
Academic Assurances Working Group
Professor Geoff Crossick
Professor Maria Delgado
Anne Holmes
Katharine Lewis
Vivienne Littlechild
Graham Packham
Lynne Williams
SU President
Capital Projects Strategic Working Group
Andrew Burns (Co-opted) (Chairman)
Randall Anderson
John Chapman
Ann Holmes
Vivienne Littlechild
Graham Packham
Lynne Williams
Supporting documents: