Agenda item

Outstanding Actions List

Members are asked to note the Committee’s Outstanding Actions list (TO FOLLOW).


Members received the Committee’s outstanding actions list, noting those items that either had been, or would be, discharged on either this or future agendas. The following updates were noted:


·       Roll out of fibre broadband to City of London Housing Estates – City Corporation officer to meet with Guinness Trust next week.

·       Petticoat Tower Fire Doors – proceeding with new contractor, with works due to commence in July/August this year.

·       Dron House Door Entry System Replacement – officers agreed to append a detailed analysis of the scope of this project to the minutes from this meeting. Members noted that there would be more than 30 entrances at Dron House and William Blake, all requiring a new access control panel to be installed, and this would equate to a significant proportion of the contract cost. The Assistant Director advised that the  project was progressing well, with an anticipated start in June/July.