Agenda item

Appointment of Committees 2019/20, Appointments to Other Bodies, Term Limits and City of London Police Authority Mapping Exercise

Report of the Town Clerk.


Members considered a report of the Town Clerk regarding the appointment of Committees 2019/20, appointments to other bodies, term limits and City of London Police Authority mapping exercise and the following points were made.


Appointment of Co-Opted Members to Committees of the Board


·         In response to a comment, the Town Clerk agreed to ensure that when vacancies were advertised, they took into account any protected characteristics of the wider composition of the Committee in question.


Term Limits for Police Authority Board Members


·         The Chairman noted that other Grand Committees of the City of London Corporation had introduced term limits.


·         The Town Clerk noted that other Police Authorities, namely the MOD Police and British Transport Police, were considering the introduction of term limits of up to ten years.


·         A Member expressed concern that term limits would limit the effectiveness of experienced Members e.g. past Chairmen acting in a non-executive director fashion. For example, assuming a Member served as Deputy Chairman for four years, Chairman for four years, and exercised their right to act as Deputy Chairman for a further year, this would leave little scope for them to continue serving on and contributing to the work of the Board.


·         Members felt that the introduction of term limits should not be retrospective.


·         Given the issues raised by Members, the Town Clerk agreed to bring a further options paper on term limits back to the Board at a future meeting.


City of London Police Authority Bodies with remit over Police Authority Matters


·         Members were supportive of the proposal that a summary report of the Town Clerk be submitted to each meeting of the Board detailing Police Authority business considered at other City of London Corporation Committees and Sub-Committees.


RESOLVED, that Members,


Frequency of Meetings


·         Agree that the current schedule of meetings of the Police Authority Board per year was adequate.


Economic Crime Committee


·         Appoint Simon Duckworth, Deputy Keith Bottomley, Alderman Emma Edhem, Andrew Lentin and Nick Bensted-Smith to the Economic Crime Committee.


·         Agree that the co-option of external Members be delegated to the Economic Crime Committee and its terms of reference amended accordingly.


·         Appoint Nick Bensted-Smith Chairman of the Economic Crime Committee for 2019/20.

·         Approve the Committee’s terms of reference and composition subject to comments made.


Performance and Resource Management Committee


·         Appoint Tijs Broeke, Nick Bensted-Smith, Andrew Lentin, Deputy Keith Bottomley, Deputy James Thomson (in addition to his ex-officio appointment) and Deborah Oliver to the Performance and Resource Management Committee, amending its composition accordingly.


·         Note the appointment by the Authority’s Audit and Risk Management Committee

of Kenneth Ludlam and Caroline Mawhood to the Performance and Resource Management Committee


·         Agree that the co-option of one Member to the Committee be delegated to the Performance and Resource Management Committee and its terms of reference amended accordingly.


·         Appoint Deputy James Thomson Chairman of Performance and Risk Management Committee for 2019/20.


·         Approve the Committee’s terms of reference and composition subject to comments made.


Professional Standards and Integrity Committee


·         Appoint Tijs Broeke, Nick Bensted-Smith, Alderman Alison Gowman, Alderman Emma Edhem and Deborah Oliver to the Professional Standards and Integrity Committee.


·         Agree that the co-option of two Common Councilmen and one external Member be delegated to that Committee and its terms of reference amended accordingly.


·         Appoint Alderman Alison Gowman as Chairman of Professional Standards and Integrity Committee for 2019/20.


·         Approve the Committee’s terms of reference and composition subject to comments made.


Police Pensions Board


·         Appoint Alderman Ian Luder as Chairman of the Police Pensions Board for 2019/20 and note its terms of reference and composition.


Police Accommodation Working Party


·         Agree the terms of reference and composition of the Police Accommodation Working Party.


Medium-Term Financial Plan Working Party


·         Appoint Tijs Broeke, Nick Bensted-Smith and Andrew Lentin to the Medium-Term Financial Plan Working Party.


·         Amend its terms of reference to reflect its ongoing role of providing scrutiny of the Force’s response to the Medium-Term Financial Plan.


Appointments to Other Bodies


·         Appoint Alderman Alison Gowman to the Streets and Walkways Sub (Planning and Transportation) Committee


·         Appoint Deputy Keith Bottomley to the Digital Services Sub (Finance) Committee


·         Appoint Tijs Broeke to the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Sub (Community and Children’s Services) Committee with one vacancy carried over.


·         Appoint Doug Barrow to the Safer City Partnership.


·         Note the appointment of Doug Barrow and Deputy James Thomson to the Capital Buildings Committee.


·         Note the appointment of Doug Barrow and Deputy James Thomson to the Crime and Disorder Scrutiny Committee.


·         Appoint Simon Duckworth to the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners.


Term Limits for Police Authority Board Members


·         Request that the Town Clerk bring an options paper on term limits for Police Authority Board Members to a future meeting.


City of London Police Authority Bodies with remit over Police Authority Matters


·         Agree the proposal that a summary report the Town Clerk be submitted to each meeting of the Board detailing Police Authority business considered at other City of London Corporation Committees and Sub-Committees.

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