Report of the Commissioner.
Members considered a report of the Commissioner regarding the HMICFRS Integrated PEEL Assessment 2018/19 and the following points were made.
· The Assistant Commissioner noted that, in response to the conclusion of the inspector that a lack of external scrutiny was a major problem for the Force, an action plan had been developed that had been shared with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman outside of the meeting.
· Members agreed that it would be a useful exercise to invite the Inspector of Constabulary to a future meeting to discuss the report and clarify any points within it.
· The Chairman noted that the Board would receive the Force response at its July 2019 meeting, and that the Action Plan would in the meantime be submitted to both the Performance and Resource Management Committee and the Professional Standards and Integrity Committee for scrutiny.
· The Commissioner noted that the issues requiring improvement identified by the Inspector of Constabulary related to the use of police powers that had the potential to prove sensitive to certain communities and/or groups. The Force was therefore expected to take feedback on the use of such powers from those groups to ensure their use was proportionate.
RESOLVED, that the report be received.
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