Agenda item

City of London Housing Estates Play and Ball Games Areas Refurbishment

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.



Members considered a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services regarding City of London Housing Estates Play and Ball Games Areas Refurbishment. Members noted that the report had been approved by the Projects Sub Committee on 24 April 2019.


Members noted that residents would be consulted before any work was carried out, to ensure that the replacement play equipment met their needs and expectations as well conforming to modern standards. There was a further suggestion that it would be helpful for residents to see illustrations or models of what equipment was available and for officers to seek the expertise of the City Corporation’s Department of Open Spaces. 


RESOLVED, that Members


·        Approve a budget of £30,200 to reach the next Gateway; namely £6,050 staff costs and £24,150 fees.


·        Note the total estimated cost of the project at £271,700 (excluding risk).


·        Approve Option 1 (Replacement Facilities)


·        Note the project risk register at appendix 3 in the report



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