Agenda item

Housing Delivery Programme - Housing Design Guide

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.



Members considered a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services in respect of the Housing Design Guide, which would be used to procure both design services and contractors. Members noted that the Local Authority Building Control Warranty (LABC) was more rigorous than the National House Builders’ Certification (NHBC) and that many private sector new build schemes had been found to have health and safety issues. Officers advised that, post the Hackett Review, all sprinklers and fire alarms would need to be to a very high standard. Members welcomed this report and noted that the final document would be presented to the Community and Children’s Services Committee.




1.           The approach taken regarding the Housing Design Guide be noted.


2.           Specific requirements in connection with Fire Safety, LABC Warranty, Secured by Design and Accessibility be authorised, subject to confirmation that the City Corporation would not face a legal challenge to their role as Inspectors. 


NB.  Subsequent to the meeting, legal opinion was been obtained and the advice given was this was unlikely to be challenged. It is therefore reasonable for the City of London Corporation to require compliance with explicit construction warranties to ensure appropriate standards are achieved and risk of defects minimised.



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