Agenda item

City of London Corporation Information Management Executive Summary

Report of the Chamberlain.



The Sub-Committee received a report of the Chamberlain of the City of London Corporation on the proposed Information Management strategy. It is recognised that the City does not currently have clear guidelines for data retention and far too much material is held for too long, increasing storage cost. More importantly, much of this information is not held in a manner that makes it readily accessible. The City intends to adopt best in class management practices while also making more of its information available to the public. Members were further told that there is a communications campaign planned to spread the messaging around this strategy across the City of London in the Autumn of 2019. 


Members were assured that a revised paper on the City of London Corporation Information Management Executive Summary will be tabled to the Sub-Committee for approval at the next committee meeting.  


RESOLVED – That the Sub-Committee notes the report.


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