Agenda item


To receive the draft minutes of the Streets and Walkways Sub Committee meeting held on 17 April 2019.


The Committee received the draft minutes of the Streets and Walkways Sub Committee meeting held on 17 April 2019.



All Change at Bank (page 22) – A Member requested an update on the progress of the scheme which had also been considered by the Finance Committee earlier this week. Officers reported that, at the Policy and Resources Committee meeting on 2 May 2019, Members agreed to delegate a decision regarding the continuation of, and further capital spending on, the All Change at Bank project during the period of the fundamental review to the Town Clerk in consultation with the Chair and Deputy Chairman of Resource Allocation Sub Committee. Members agreed this approach subject to the reprioritisation of funding within the Department of the Built Environment and on the basis that there be no resultant increase in central budgets in the 2019/20 financial year. Officers were instructed to produce a report under urgency to the Chair & Deputy Chairman of Resource Allocation Sub-Committee setting out the detail of how this is to be achieved. The urgency requested that Section 106 funding be utilised to fund the All Change at Bank project to Gateway 4 whilst the fundamental review was underway.


In response to questions around the delay to works, the Director of the Built Environment expressed concern around the momentum of this and reported that the urgency had led to significant further questions about the Streets and Walkways Sub Committee’s prioritisation around this project and was still, therefore, yet to be signed off. It was estimated that approximately 1 month had been lost already in terms of progressing the works and Officers would need to give careful thought as to how this could now be made up for.


Members echoed the Director’s disappointment and asked that a clear message be sent back to the relevant decision makers outlining this. It was noted that many of those using the junction would be waiting to see these physical improvements implemented as soon as possible. The Chairman agreed with this point and highlighted that this project was a top priority for this Committee and had been for some time now. Another Member commented that such delays were simply adding to the overall costs of the project. She added that the Chamberlain’s Department had attended recent meetings of the Streets and Walkways Sub Committee and should therefore be well aware of their priorities.


The Director reported that Officers were now working closely with the Chamberlain to look at how this might be resolved without further delay alongside relevant Members tasked with signing off on the urgency.



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