Agenda item


To receive the Order of the Court of Common Council dated 25 April 2019 appointing the Committee and setting its Terms of Reference.


Members received the Order of the Court of Common Council dated 25 April 2019 appointing the Committee and approving its terms of reference.


The Town Clerk noted that Stuart Fraser had since retired from Court but would remain listed on the Order as this could not be changed once issued for the year.


A Member noted that the constitution of the Committee listed a number of local bodies and local interest groups of relevance that required representation on the Committee and felt that a representative for disability should also be included within the terms of reference.


Members were advised that the constitution was defined by statute and whilst someone could be co-opted onto the Committee, it might not be possible for the constitution to be changed as this was set by the London Government Reorganisation (Hampstead Heath) Order 1989. The Town Clerk agreed to investigate the act and seek legal advice regarding representation of protected groups.

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