The Chairman began the meeting with a number of notices for the Committee.
The Chairman informed Members of the recent fatality of a man at the Highgate Men’s Bathing Pond and sent condolences to the family and friends of the deceased. She confirmed support had been offered to the Lifeguards and Team on duty and that a serious incident report had been submitted to the HSC and Charity Commission.
The Chairman thanked Members for attending the 30th Anniversary visit which was well attended and received great feedback from attendees.
The Chairman congratulated the Events Manager and the Team on the success of the Night of the 10K PBs on Saturday and the efficient clean-up operation that followed.
The Chairman thanked Dermott and the Team for the informative Heath walk at the weekend which included the activity at the Sandy and West Heath.
Apologies were received from Cindy Galvin, Ray Booth, John Weston, Mathew Frith, Harunur Rashid and Sharlene McGee.