Agenda item


To agree the public minutes of the previous meeting of the Epping Forest and Commons Committee on 20May 2019.


The Committee considered the public minutes and non-public summary of the Epping Forest and Commons Committee held on 20 May 2019.


RESOLVED – That the minutes of the previous meeting be agreed as an accurate record.


Matters Arising


Sports Strategy: further to the comments listed in the minutes of the previous meeting a Member highlighted the recent Breakfast Briefing on the Sports Strategy and Members discussed the need for the work of Open Spaces to be represented within the Strategy. Members commented that the Breakfast Briefing had been a positive and helpful exercise but noted that they were still not fully in agreement with the direction of the Sports Strategy. The Chairman suggested that the minute from the previous meeting of the Epping Forest and Commons Committee be used to guide discussions at future breakfast briefing sessions on the Sports Strategy. 


Election of Verderer: The Town Clerk informed the Committee of the dates of the various meetings in February 2020 in connection with the election of Verderers namely; two nomination meetings to be held on Monday 24 February, election in the north to be held on Wednesday 26 February and election in the south to be held on Thursday 27 February.



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