Agenda item

Application for use of Epping Forest Land at Wanstead Flats for a music concert. SEF 29/19

Report of the Director of Open Spaces.


To be read in conjunction with a non-public appendix listed at agenda item 26.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Open Spaces regarding the application for use of Epping Forest Land at Wanstead Flats for a music concert. The report outlined the key details of the proposed event and the feedback from stakeholders which have been received.


The Director of Open Spaces introduced the report and explained that a number of conditions would be placed on the event organisers Mama Festivals Ltd including meeting measures which Officers deemed necessary to limit the ecological impact of holding the event. In addition, the Committee were reminded of a petition by residents local to Wanstead Flats opposing the event which had reached 450 signatures.


The Chairman reiterated the point made at item 10 that both the Chairman and Deputy Chairman would be consulted on the final negotiations and agreement of contractual termsin relation to the use of the land at Wanstead Flats.


Members discussed the Wanstead Flats, Epping Forest Preliminary Ecological Appraisal which had be published as a late appendix to the report. Members raised concern that adequate time had not been allowed to properly assess the Ecological Appraisal and noted that local authorities who would be considering licensing the event, if agreed, would expect the Committee to have properly assessed its ecological impact. Further to this the Director of Open Spaces explained that, while it was regrettable that the report had been finalised so late, but that its content had also largely been covered in the main report. In addition, it was noted that the proposed event did not reach the statutory threshold for an ecological assessment and that the Epping Forest management team were confident that any ecological impacts were indirect and manageable with the suitable mitigation measures in place, as demonstrated by the organisation of similar events.


A Member raised that Members should consider the proposed event in their context as trustees of Epping Forest and, in this context, they felt that the report should be agreed. Further to this point a Member agreed, highlighting the extensive work completed by Officers on mitigation strategies and noted that Redbridge County Council would more directly assess the effect on local people.


The Chief Commoner emphasised that, while the City of London Corporation took the concerns expressed by local residents very seriously, he felt that the conditions placed on the event and the assurances by the Epping Forest management team were sufficient for the Committee to agree the report. Moreover, the Chief Commoner explained that within the context of the City of London Corporation’s Fundamental Review process the income generated by the event would be extremely valuable for the continued support of Epping Forest by the City of London Corporation. Members agreed that a balanced view was required when assessing the decision taking into account all factors and requested that they remained informed of any substantive developments regarding the proposed event.


The Committee moved to vote on the recommendations. Members voted unanimously in favour of the recommendations in the report. There were no abstentions.



  1. The provision of a licence to use of land with Mama Festivals Ltd for an outdoor temporary event on land at Wanstead Flats for the purposes of a three-day music concert as proposed in this report and in line with the Epping Forest Events policy be approved, subject to:

a.    Mama Festivals Ltd mitigating against any environmental issues arising from the Preliminary Ecological Appraisal and undertaking any additional protected species surveys if required within the appraisal.

b.    Mama Festivals Ltd successfully obtaining a Premises Licence for the event under the Licensing Act 2003 and any other necessary consents.

c.    The Director of Open Spaces being satisfied that the final proposals and agreed mitigating actions are consistent with the Events Policy and in compliance with the duties of the Conservators.

  1. That the authority be delegated the Town Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman, to complete final negotiations and agreement of contractual terms; taking in to account the specific environmental considerations and constraints in relation to the use of this land.
  2. That the Comptroller & City Solicitor be authorised to enter into the necessary agreements on such as he and the Director of Open Spaces consider appropriate.


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