Report of the Chamberlain.
Members considered a report of the Chamberlain relative to an update on the corporate and top red departmental risk registers. The Chamberlain reported that CR20 was reconfirmed as a corporate risk by Summit Group on 25 June 2019, totalling 15 corporate risks on the corporate risk register. The number of corporate risks had grown, creating the potential for the risk register to lose focus. However, in line with Members’ sentiments, if a risk is considered to be of corporate importance, it should be added to the corporate risk register. Growth will therefore be monitored by the Risk Management team to ensure that corporate risks are appropriately managed and overlaps in corporate risks are identified.
RESOLVED, that – the Committee,
1. note the report;
2. endorse the decision of Summit Group to reconfirm the corporate status on the revised CR20 Road Safety Risk.
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