There were two items of urgent business.
The Headmistress advised Governors that a number of pupils and alumni had approached the School regarding the recent Black Lives Matters protests. The School had written to pupils, parents, alumni and staff to reassure them of the School’s commitment to equality and a copy of the letters sent would be provided to Governors following the meeting. The Pastoral Team was developing a survey in partnership with pupils that would gather the feelings, experiences and thoughts of the whole school community on this key issue. A virtual open door had been introduced via which pupils could discuss their concerns with the Headmistress at any time. A Governor was pleased to note the involvement of pupils in developing the survey and emphasised the need for the School’s response to be shaped by its student body.
Governors were advised that meeting dates of the Board of Governors for the forthcoming academic year were scheduled as follows:
11.00am, Monday 5 October 2020
11.00am, Monday 7 December 2020
11.00am, Thursday 11 March 2021
11.00am, Thursday 10 June 2021