Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.
The Committee considered a report of the Director of Community and Children’s
Services presenting the City of London Corporation’s draft Alcohol Strategy 2019–23.
Members were advised that the main aim of the Strategy was to reduce alcohol related harm in the City and provide an effective framework for future work. It was noted that the Corporation was working to promote healthy living including a reasonable and balance approach to alcohol including that people are informed of misuse, that they are safe and feel safe in the City and to provide them with the support to access services if needed.
Members were advised that the Strategy had been approved by the Health & Wellbeing Committee and been reviewed by a number of other relevant Committees. An action/delivery plan would be developed by a Working Group which would come back to all Committees for approval.
A Member noted that the Strategy was very qualitative, and it would therefore be difficult to track progress. It was confirmed that the measures would come to the Committee for input.
RESOLVED – That Members:-
· Note the Draft Alcohol Strategy 2019–23 set out in Appendix 1;
· Note the plan for consultation.
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