Agenda item

Review of Risk Management Strategy

Report of the Chamberlain.


Members considered for discussion a report of the Chamberlain relative to a review of the Risk Management Strategy. It was noted that the strategy was not a departure from the City Corporation’s existing approach, which had worked well, but sought to bring the strategy up to date with development from the last few years.


The draft strategy was submitted to Members for comments. Following further comments from the Summit Group at its meeting in December 2019, the strategy would be brought be presented again to the Committee in January 2020 meeting for final approval.


Member discussion addressed Member engagement prior to the strategy being presented to Committee; clarifying the definition of target risk date in risk registers; and, timelines for future risk management strategy revisions and updates.


RESOLVED, that – Members agree the Risk Management Strategy be brought to Summit Group at its next meeting, and finally to the Audit and Management Committee in January 2020 for final approval.


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