Agenda item

Policy and Resources Committee

To consider the adoption of a proposed Members’ Financial Support Policy.




(Deputy Catherine McGuinness)

3 June 2021

Members’ Financial Support Policy

The Court was recommended to approve a series of proposals relating to the implementation of a new Members’ Financial Support Policy and associated implications in respect of other existing arrangements.


The Deputy Chairman spoke to introduce the report, outlining the role the Scheme played in the Committee’s aspirations to enhance the diversity of the Court of Common Council and ensure that prospective candidates for election to the Court were not deterred from standing for election for any reason.


In response to queries, the Deputy Chairman advised that the rationale behind the Scheme’s introduction in October was to enable prospective candidates for the 2022 elections to be reassured that the Scheme was in place and operating properly, prior to them making a decision as to whether or not to stand. He also clarified that participation in the Scheme was optional and it would, therefore, be a matter for individual Members to determine whether or not they wished to claim remuneration. Finally, the Deputy Chairman confirmed that the Scheme as proposed here did not include any Special Responsibility Allowances; however, these could be incorporated in future within an adapted Scheme should that become the will of the Court.


Resolved – That: -

1.    The final Members’ Financial Support Policy be approved, including the Extended Members Support Scheme section.

2.    The current policy on claims for travel expenses where expense reimbursement only applies when travelling from Guildhall to undertake City Corporation business be reconfirmed.

3.    The Scheme be administered by an external third party who would receive and validate applications before passing to the City Corporation for payment, with the appointment being made in accordance with the City Corporation’s procurement policy.

4.    Members be permitted to claim from the Scheme as soon as it is settled, and a scheme administrator is appointed i.e. with effect from October 2021.

5.    Notwithstanding desires for anonymity, Internal Audit be given free and unfettered access to information when necessary and decide whether payments should be publicised in aggregate or by named recipients.

6.    It be noted that the potential annual cost of the Extended Member Support element of the Members Financial Support Policy with full take up is £937,500 (not including employer’s National Insurance Contributions where payable or the cost of the scheme administrator).

7.    The cost of the Scheme be split across City Fund and City’s Cash on a suitable, allocation criteria, e.g. Committee/Board time, employer’s pensions contributions or on the basis on which we split corporate departmental time.

Subject to approval of the scheme and the implementation date, it be noted that part year costs incurred in the financial year 2021/22, will be funded from one-off contingencies included within the budget that are no longer needed. Future costs would be included in the 2022/23 budget setting and medium-term financial planning.

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