Agenda item

Members' Declarations under the Code of Conduct in respect of items on the agenda


A Member asked the Town Clerk to confirm whether there were any items on today’s agenda in which the City Corporation had an interest so that Members could take due care and attention to these applications or items as stipulated under the Planning Protocol. The Town Clerk stated that she was not aware of any instances of this on today’s agenda and confirmed that, if this were to be the case, this would be made clear to the Committee by the reporting Officer once the relevant application or item was considered.


The Chair – Deputy Alastair Moss - declared a professional conflict of interest in relation to agenda Item 4 – 186-190 Bishopsgate Lon, EC2M 4NR - and advised that, as such, he would withdraw from the meeting for the duration of this item and allow the immediate past Chairman, Sheriff Christopher Hayward to manage this in the absence of his Deputy Chairman.