Agenda item


Report of the Director of Open Spaces.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Open Spaces setting out the response to the consultation carried out on the Draft City of London Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) 2021-2026.


Officers reported that the City of London’s BAP aimed to ensure that the City met its obligations towards the protection and enhancement of biodiversity and provided a strategic focus to ensure that biodiversity was considered during decision-making processes. It also provided a framework to ensure that all legislative requirements were met at a local level. It was noted that, in March 2021, this Committee were presented with the then draft BAP for 2021-26 and that draft was then subject to a public consultation process. Appendix A  of the report contained a consultation statement setting out the results of that consultation as well as the changes that had been made to the BAP as a result. Responses to the public on the individual points that they had raised were also detailed.


Members were informed that, should the BAP be approved, Officers would develop a final document with photographs and illustrations to accompany the agreed text which would then be launched later in the year.


Members requested that the Golden Lane Estate and the Barbican also be included within this plan given that both had valuable green assets. Officers confirmed that the Plan applied to the whole of the Square Mile.


RESOLVED – That Members of the Planning and Transportation Committee recommend for onward approval to the Open Spaces and City Gardens Committee the text of the final draft Biodiversity Action Plan 2021/2026 for adoption.


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