Agenda item

Questions on matters relating to the work of the committee


Taller Buildings and Efficient Use of Land

A Member asked a question of the Chief Planning Officer and Development Director noting that, as a planning authority, this Committee naturally focused on the issue of natural resources and materials, particularly the re-use and recycling of building materials and whole-life carbon minimisation. He went on to question, however, use of land, noting that taller buildings such as those on the Barbican estate used scarce amounts of land more effectively and efficiently which was also a benefit. The Member questioned whether, as a Planning Committee, it was valid to consider this as a factor which could be balanced against the drawbacks of taller buildings.


The Chief Planning Officer and Development Director stated that he felt that this could be taken into consideration by Members and that locating high density development in one place which was well served by public transport was, for example, a very sustainable use of precious urban land.


Riverside Walkway around Queenhithe

A Member requested an update on the completion of the riverside walkway at Queenhithe either to him personally or to the next meeting of this Committee. Officers undertook to provide this.