Agenda item

Letting/Sales Policy for new Developments

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.



Members considered a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services in respect of a letting/sales policy for new developments.  Officers specifically asked Members for a steer on a policy in respect of absentee lease holders and noted that the London Boroughs of Southwark and Hackney initiated CPOs in such cases.  Member discussed this at length and were mindful that some absentee Landlords might be short term; i.e. working away from home and not making a profit.  In concluding, Members asked for a further report, following consultation with the Comptroller and City Solicitor and other Local Authorities. 



1.       A Local Lettings Plan be agreed for each development;

2.       A Tenants Charter  be implemented for each development;

3.       Studio flats, classified as small one-bedroom flats at Sydenham, be eligible for existing applicants on our waiting list who qualify for studio flats;

4.       Long leaseholders, who occupy their flat as their only or principal home, be offered a new flat if their existing flat is subject to demolition as part of a new development on terms to be agreed;

5.       Members receive a further report in respect of absentee Long leaseholders, as set out above.

6.       Views of the Comptroller and City Solicitor be sought in relation to shared ownership terms and the purchase of existing sold properties and a further paper is bought to this Committee to finalise/agree such terms.



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