Agenda item

New Portsoken Community Centre Update

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.



Members considered a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services in respect of the new Portsoken Community Centre.    The Community and Children’s Services Committee, at their meeting last Friday, had requested the installations of a double door.  Members noted that the lift was very large, to accommodate buggies and wheelchairs, and officers agreed to consider the accommodation of a buggy park, similar to those provided for ‘stay and play’ and similar events within the libraries. 


Officers were considering the best funding terms and more detail would emerge in forthcoming ‘Gateway’ reports.  The annual running cost is yet to be confirmed once the annual rental cost was known.  Members noted that the current hire charges were very competitive and a good income stream from private hires would bring down running costs, enabling preferential rates to be passed on to residents and charitable groups.  Members noted that, at some stage, governance might need to be considered in more detail. 


RESOLVED, that – the report be noted and the Community and Children’s Services and Housing Management and Almshouses Sub Committees receive a report at a future meeting, setting out governance options.


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