Agenda item

Responsible Procurement Strategy

Report of the Chamberlain


Note: In the interest of upholding Responsible Business principles, Appendix 1 to this report is not included in printed agenda packs and limited hard copies will be available at the meeting.  The appendix can be downloaded from the website






Note: During consideration of this item, the Chairman left the meeting and the Deputy Chairman took over the Chair.


The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Chamberlain outlining the achievements of the Responsible Procurement Strategy (RPS) which in the interest of upholding responsible business principles, had been published on the CoL website but not included in printed agenda packs.


Officers reported that the RPS had guided the COL’s approach to ensuring that contracting reflected the CoL values and aspirations by providing a framework through which departmental strategies informed targets for supply chain partners.


The RSP had objectives which were set in the context of

·       Social value

·       Environmental sustainability

·       Ethical sourcing


In response to questions and comments from Members, Officers advised that the CoL transport fleet was gradually being upgraded to leased electric vehicles and continuous improvements were being made to technology to improve battery life.

Vehicle fleet costs were closely monitored by the Corporate Fleet Management Group.


Discussions had taken place with Small and Medium Sized Enterprises to encourage suppliers to pay the London Living Wage and as Landlord, Officers were exploring the scope for including lease clauses to ensure that business tenants and suppliers at a minimum paid employees the London Living Wage.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.





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