Report of the Commissioner.
Members considered a report of the Commissioner regarding the Force response to HMICFRS Integrated PEEL Assessment (Legitimacy) Findings 2018/19 and the following points were made.
Action for Further Improvement (AFI) 7 – the Force should ensure that effective external scrutiny takes place in relation to its use of force.
· In response to a question regarding AFI 7, the Assistant Commissioner confirmed that the terms of reference of the newly constituted Community Scrutiny Group had been approved at its meeting on 4 September 2019.
AFI 11 – the Force should ensure its counter-corruption unit has enough capability and capacity to counter corruption effectively and proactively.
· The Assistant Commissioner noted that two additional posts had been funded from October 2019 and recruitment was underway internally within the Force.
· The Chair requested that the planned Skyline article regarding the Force’s attitude towards corruption should be circulated more widely, and at least to Members of the Police Authority Board.
RESOLVED, that the report be received.
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