Cost of Policing Functions at Guildhall
The Chairman noted that notice of a question had been given by Tijs Broeke, who had since sent apologies to the meeting. The Chairman requested that the Town Clerk put the question to the Force:
‘What are the additional costs of security operations for police staff and police officer time for two recent high-profile events at Guildhall, namely the International Trade Dinner & US Vice President Visit and the China Business Forum and Dinner. Moreover, who met those additional costs.’
The Commander (Operations) was heard in reply, noting that the International Trade Dinner & US Vice President Visit had an additional cost of £18,000, and the China Business Forum and Dinner an additional cost of £1,500. These costs were met from City of London Police core funding. Whilst some costs could be claimed back from the Home Office, the Commander stressed that the nature of these events were routine for the City and were therefore classed as ‘business-as-usual’.
The Commissioner reassured Members that the Force compiled accurate costs of the delivery of events such as these.