Agenda item

Guildhall School Carbon Reduction KPI

Report of the Director of Operations and Buildings.


Members considered a report of the Director of Operations and Buildings regarding the Guildhall School Carbon Reduction Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and the following points were made.


·         The Director of Operations and Buildings noted that the School had worked hard to deal with legacy issues affecting its ability to reduce carbon effectively. Moreover, the School was working with Canary Wharf to identify carbon reduction best practice.


·         In response to a question, the Director of Operations and Buildings confirmed that estimates for Milton Court were accurate, but noted that at the outset, it had not been envisaged that the building would be open on Sundays.


·         A Member noted that the School would be appointing student ‘green champions’ for each production, and would be undertaking a ‘green audit’.


·         The Principal noted that efforts to reduce carbon should be designed to ensure the School’s learning environment was not affected.

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