Agenda item

Superintendent's Update

Report of the Superintendent of Epping Forest.


The Committee received a report of the Director of Open Spaces which summarised the Epping Forest Division’s activities from August to September 2019. The Superintendent updated the Committee on matters including security, conservation and culture at Epping Forest. In addition, the Director of Open Spaces highlighted a report considered by the Planning and Transportation Committee regarding the City Airport Masterplan 2020-35 and the increased fly paths over Epping Forest.


The Superintendent sought the Committee’s views on a proposal for the ‘Rock Balancing’ art installation to be relocated at Epping Forest. Replying to a Member’s question the Director of Open Spaces explained that the rocks in the art installation were bolted together. In addition, it was noted that the location chosen for the art installation would be key to the success of the project.


Further to a query from a Member of the Committee the Director of Open Spaces confirmed that signage would be added to warn visitors off climbing on the art installation but that no insurance liability would be held by the City of London Corporation.  The Committee agreed that a further report on the art installation ‘Rock Balancing’ proposed relocation to Epping Forest be produced for consideration by the Epping Forest and Commons Committee. 



  1. The Committee agreed that a further report on the art installation ‘Rock Balancing’ proposed relocation to Epping Forest be produced for consideration by the Epping Forest and Commons Committee; and 
  2. That the update be noted.


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