Report of the Town Clerk and Comptroller, with an excerpt from the minutes of the Policy and Resources Committee’s meeting held 4 July 2019.
The Board considered a joint report of the Comptroller & City Solicitor and the Town Clerk regarding the extent to which the parents of current pupils could serve as Governors of the City of London Corporations three independent schools.
The Chairman advised Governors that this issue would be considered as part of the City of London Corporation’s wider review into the application of local government legislation to non-City Funded areas of the City Corporation’s activity. In the meantime, parents or guardians of pupils at one of the City independent schools would continue to be eligible to sit on the Board of Governors for the relevant school, subject to the current provisions of the Code of Conduct.
Progress in taking forward the wider review of the application of local government legislation to non-City Funded areas of the City Corporation’s activity would be reported to future meetings of the Board of Governors. If necessary, a special meeting of the Board of Governors could be convened to consider the findings of the review.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted.
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