Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.
Members received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services relative to the Education and Early Years Service Safeguarding. The report provided an update on the work that the Education and Early Years Service had undertaken since the work was last reported to the Committee in February 2019. The report addressed the following areas: location of all City of London children and their schools; 2016 children missing education (CME) regulations and the impact that this is having on the City of London; children at risk of missing education; electively home-educated children; performance licenses and work permits; learning from the Hackney case review. It was further reported that there had been an increase in focus on mental health services, including a Wellbeing and Adolescent Mental Health Services (WAHMS) Project established in September 2018, where clinicians were placed in schools to address mental health needs.
RESOLVED – that, the report be received and its contents noted.
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