Agenda item

Daisy Green Food Ltd

To receive the public minutes of the Hearing in respect of the application for Daisy Green, 2 London Wall Place, EC2Y 5DH on 13 August 2019.


Members noted the public minutes of the Daisy Green Food Ltd hearing on 13 August 2019.


A Member of the Sub Committee panel noted that the Applicant had submitted a noise assessment providing ambient noise data, etc, which was very useful.


The Member also noted that the circumstances concerning music entertainment had changed. Applicants were no longer required to obtain a licence to put on live music/play recorded music if it takes place between 8am and 11pm, takes place at an alcohol on-licensed premises and the audience is no more than 500 people. A licence was also not required for unamplified live music at any place between the same hours or amplified live music at a workplace between the same hours and provided the audience is no more than 500 people.


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